Join me today

What is the hub?

Jemma’s Health Hub is a supportive online workout community. Women join together to get motivated, get moving and share our stories and selfies.

How does it work?

To access The Hub - all you need is a Facebook profile, then you can join the private group and either do the workouts live according to our schedule, or catch-up on the workouts whenever suits you best as they’ll all be saved.

The group suitable for any EVERYONE, no matter your level of fitness, or age. You can push yourself as hard as you like or take it easy on certain days. We are humans after all and no 2 workouts are the same.


What do I need?

  • A pair of trainers

  • A workout mat

  • A fabric resistance band

  • A selection different dumbbells weights for strength workouts

  • Kettlebell (or you can use a dumbbell instead)

Price- 4 new classes a week.

£20 per month (just £5 per week - cancel any time)

Jemma’s Health Hub is subscription based.

You will be billed £20 per month (every 4 weeks) from the date you subscribe.

You can cancel at anytime via email or PayPal, or via email - there is no contract.

Please note you will need a Facebook profile to join us. If you don’t use Facebook, don't worry - many of our members have set up a temporary private profile in order to join us.

Please ensure you have read the below disclamer and agree before you join us.



Keep moving


Keep moving 〰️